
While every great app begins with a great idea, it takes more than just creativity to successfully launch a new mobile application. To ensure that the app is effective, reliable and will be downloaded by users, you will require a robust mobile application deployment strategy

No matter whether you are releasing a casual mobile app or a dedicated enterprise app, it is essential to carefully plan what the purpose of your new mobile application will be and how it will function. Developers need to scrutinize the market to learn what their competitors are doing right and where they are falling short. What is the best operating system for your mobile app? Can your app provide enough security for personal or corporate data?

All of these issues need to be considered. By formulating a strategy for your mobile app deployment, you will reduce the risk of producing an application that doesn't work as planned. In this article, we detail the five steps involved in coming up with a sound mobile application deployment strategy


Step 1: Determine who the users of the application will be

The first stage of developing a mobile application deployment strategy is to consider who your audience is and if the application will address their needs. 

Stakeholders must ascertain exactly who the app is being developed for. There is a considerable difference between preparing to deploy a mobile app meant for public consumption and developing a strategy for an app that is purely for business purposes. 

If the application is specifically for use by employees, then there must be further refining of the scope. You may wish to deploy a company-wide app, a management app, or an app that is only to be used by a specific department. In each of these cases, developers need to carefully consider the requirements of the users, and if the app is going to meet their needs

Step 2: Identify the reasons why users will want to use your app 

The second step of the process is to clarify why a user will want to use your app. What value is your application going to deliver to its users? Is it going to augment or replace existing software? Will it automate tasks that can currently only be done manually? By researching how your app will make the lives of its users easier, you can avoid having to roll out additional fixes, patches, or upgrades. 

How the end users of the app will access it is also a major consideration to be taken into account. For optimum user experience, designers and developers must be aware of how the app will be accessed and utilized. Will the majority of the users access the app via a desktop computer, or will it be mostly used on mobile devices? Avoid making assumptions about the preferences of your users. If you are unsure, concentrate on developing the app for mobile use but be sure to build in desktop compatibility

Step 3: Carefully analyze your competitors' applications

Whether you are rolling out an enterprise app or an app for public consumption, it is prudent to research what your competitors are doing. If your app is to be released to the public, analyze the marketplace to identify apps that are similar to yours and compare the strengths and weaknesses of the competition. Focus on finding weaknesses in the competition’s strategy. Research customer reviews and articles by industry analysts to identify issues with support, marketing, and functionality of competing apps. 

To identify competitors, use keyword searches to research what other apps are in the marketplace and take note of how they are performing. Develop strategies that ensure your app will stand out from the others. A compelling marketing strategy will build brand awareness and boost your competitiveness in the marketplace. It is also crucial to make the design of the app appealing and easy to use. 

Step 4: Choose the right platform for your application

One of the last steps is to carefully consider the platform and the technology that will work best for your app. Are most of your users going to be using an Android operating system or will they prefer iOS? 

For enterprise apps for businesses that use a Corporate Owned Personally Enabled (COPE) or Choose Your Own Device (CYOD) model, this can be a straightforward process. For public apps or businesses that use a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) system, the app is going to be most successful if it has cross-platform capabilities.

Step 5: Develop solutions to secure your application's data

Whether you are deploying an enterprise application or releasing an app to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store, protecting the data of the users of your app is crucial. Maintaining the highest levels of security will build trust and ensures your app is viewed as being reliable. An app that has security issues is not a marketable product in the long term. 

For enterprise apps, the issue of security is even more pressing. Data hacking is becoming a common problem, so robust measures must be taken to protect user privacy and safeguard corporate data. Personal information must be kept separate from corporate data to comply with regulations and standards. 

App developers must research what data protection system will best suit their needs and the needs of their users. Appaloosa has a wide range of effective MDM solutions to ensure that your mobile app deployment is successful. 

Many developers and companies find that it is optimal to first establish a relationship with a company that can deliver a security system before the app goes into development. This way they can benefit from expert advice and professional development assistance from the very start.  If you are planning on releasing a public app or need to create an enterprise solution for your employees, contact the team at Appaloosa. We can provide bespoke recommendations and specialized services so that your app is efficient, reliable, functional, and completely secure.  

Julien Ott
December 14, 2022